March 4th, 2025
Calling all allies this IWD 2025
Born from the radical roots that created International Women’s Day. Where over a million people came together to demand real, not performative progress towards the equal participation of women in society.
‘SheSays, We Act’ is an initiative fighting to achieve gender equality in the workplace in our lifetimes, through real action. Because according to data from the World Economic Forum, at the rate we’re going it’s going to take until 2158 until we get there.

So, we’re calling on every creative director, every producer, every junior designer and so on from all genders and races to become an active ally. One that takes tangible steps towards equal parental rights for everyone, equal pay for women and non-binary people, flexible working arrangements for working parents as standard, the removal of barriers towards progression for women and non-binary people and more.
Together, we can achieve gender equality for all of us.

How to apply:
To become an ally with the ‘SheSays, We Act’ initiative, please submit your details below:
Spread the word:
We would love for you to declare your allyship to the world via social media. Feel free to share the suggested posts below and download our ready-made assets.
If you identify as a woman
SHESAYS ARE RECRUITING ALLIES – Nearly half of Brits feel that women’s equality has “gone far enough”. Yep I know, that’s why I applied to be an active ally this #IWD. It’s going to take all of us to shift this thinking and actually create the change we need in our industry.
Actions speak louder than words, so if you’re ready to do something tangible to create a more equal workplace for everyone, apply here:
#NewJobAlert #Ally #SheSays #AccelerateAction #InternationalWomensDay #IWD2025 #EqualityForAll #ActionNotBuzzwords #ActionCreatesChange #SheSaysAlly #SheSaysWeAct
If you identify as ANOTHER
CHECK THIS JOB OUT – There’s been a 5% decrease in the number of women and non-binary individuals across the Creative Industries. Which is why I’ve applied to be an active ally this #IWD. Lack of gender diversity is just bad business. Research shows that gender-diverse companies are 15% more likely to notice higher financial returns.
If you want to switch things up and take tangible steps towards a more equal workplace for us all, apply here:
#NewJobAlert #Ally #SheSays #AccelerateAction #InternationalWomensDay #IWD2025 #EqualityForAll #ActionNotBuzzwords #ActionCreatesChange #SheSaysAlly #SheSaysWeAct
If you identify as a man

I’VE APPLIED TO BE A SHESAYS ALLY – 66% of Brits believe that gender equality won’t happen unless men take action too. That’s why I have applied to be an active ally this #IWD. I’m pledging to listen, learn, speak and act to achieve gender equality for all in the workplace!
Anyone can be an ally, so if you’re up for a little more conversation and lot more action, apply too at
#NewJobAlert #Ally #SheSays #AccelerateAction #InternationalWomensDay #IWD2025 #EqualityForAll #ActionNotBuzzwords #ActionCreatesChange #SheSaysAlly #SheSaysWeAct
Collab with us on our toolkit:
Why gender equality is important for everyone:

More Flexible Work Options:
As workplaces become more accepting of caregiving roles for both genders, men will also gain greater access to parental leave and flexible work arrangements.
Improved Team Performance:
Diverse teams make better decisions, leading to higher productivity and innovation. This creates a more dynamic and successful work environment for everyone.
Stronger Personal Relationships:
When gender roles are more balanced, men, women and non-binary people can be more engaged parents, partners, and caregivers, leading to healthier relationships at home.
Less Pressure toConform to Stereotypes:
Gender equality reduces rigid expectations about masculinity, allowing men to express emotions, ask for help, and take on roles traditionally seen as “feminine,” such as caregiving. It also provides women and non-binary people the confidence to show traits traditionally seen as “masculine” such as leadership.
Better Career Opportunities:
When promotions and leadership roles are based on merit rather than gender biases, men who might otherwise be overlooked due to outdated stereotypes also benefit. While women and non-binary people are able to access roles they would have otherwise been excluded from.
Higher JobSatisfaction:
Workplaces with gender equality tend to have fairer policies, better leadership, and more inclusive cultures, leading to greater overall job satisfaction.

Resources to get you started:
SheSays Believe their pain
HeForShe – The Male Allyship Toolkit
LGBTQIA+ advocacy
Pregnant Then Screwed
Stay up to date with news and events from the initiative by signing up to our mailing list