In 2020,companiesand brands all over the country made statements, pledges and promises around Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Unsurprisingly, the fastest growing C-suite title last year was “Chief Diversity Officer.” The racial reckoning in the workplace brought about lots of conversation and initial movement, but the real question is: how much has changed?
Have companies put a bandaid on systemic problems? Is meaningful change taking place? Or are we somewhere in between? Companies used buzzwords without defining goals. And for many, there’s no official system that holds them accountable to what was promised. Join us for a conversation via zoom as our panel has a conversation around the state of the state as we discuss if corporate culture has caught up with their own 2020 PR departments.
WHEN: Thursday October 7, 2021 @ 5pm EST (2pm PST, 10pm BST)
Are you there 2021? It’s us, 2020. It’s been a hell of a year. From the pandemic, to racial injustice movement, to murder hornets to a highly contentious election…the list goes on. But what’s been constant throughout the last 8 months is an ongoing battle for and with resilience as we cope. Whether we’re employees, parents, teachers, spouses, or some combination of many things, we’ve been tested over and over. This month we’re bringing together two women to talk about a year of resilience and how we’ve all managed to cope and persevere – or at least what they’ve learned in the journey to do both!
It’s always so interesting to learn how things came to be – from origin stories in comics, to podcasts about entrepreneurs, to investor shows on network television. And when it comes to creating companies, women have been crushing it.
From 2007 to 2018, women-owned businesses grew by 58% in terms of the number of firms and 46% in terms of revenue. The number of firms owned by Black women has grown by 164% since 2007. And in 2019, 20% of newly funded startups had a female founder.
We’re excited to have three amazing founders join the panel as we dig into their stories and the companies they’ve created. We’ll chat about the ups, the downs, and what they’ve learned along the way.
People across America are talking about race. Recent tragedies have made this conversation inescapable and companies especially have been forced to address the issue head on. Our panel is going to dive into a conversation around addressing systemic racism in the workplace. How do we talk about it – and listen? How do we get comfortable being uncomfortable? What small behavior changes can inspire broader behavior change?
This won’t be a session for all the answers, but a chance to ask each other some honest questions. Hope to see you there, and BYO Ben & Jerry’s.
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