
Social and the Sexes: Do men and women use social media differently?

According to BrandWatch, more than 50% of women use social media to show support and access deals or promotions from brands, compared to just 36% of the men online. Not only do women use social media to stay up to date with brands, they also comment on their favorite brands more than men do. Nielsen found that women spend more time on mobile web each day than men, however men use social for business more often than women. For social marketers, nailing down your target demographic is tricky. Who is your message reaching and how are they interpreting it? What inspires brand loyalty in women and how is that different for men? How can you refine your social messaging for each gender?

This event will help answer these questions and more. We’re having an honest conversation that explores how social marketers can make their message more inclusive, how men and women interpret your brand messaging and what your digital behavior says about you.

Join SheSays Chicago, in partnership with DigitasLBi, on October 20 to be a part of the conversation. Doors open at 5:30 pm. Food and drink provided by our host. Event Hashtag: #SocialBattle, #SheSaysChi

Anna Russett Strategist at Havas Worldwide Chicago and a Social Media Influencer. She has a YouTube Channel with topics on social media, technology, and beauty. Follow @AnnaRussett on Twitter and Instagram.


Tickets Available Here.

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