Creating your best work: how great Ideas are MADE
Our event this month will be in conjunction with CP+B. At CP+B, everyone in the agency works together on behalf of our brands, to uphold our mission of creating the most written about, talked about and outrageously effective work in the world. Each day, everyone in our Boulder office is greeted by an actual stuffed elephant previously owned by P.T. Barnum, who reminds us of our action-focused philosophy on creating great work. Don’t just tell people the circus is coming to town when you can walk an elephant down main street.
We call our offices “factories” because they are places where great ideas are MADE. We’ve created an environment where success is defined only by what we’ve created for our partners and how well it solved their specific problem. This is what drives all disciplines at CP+B – from account management, strategy and creative to media and product innovation.
Join Danielle Whalen, EVP/Managing Director of CP+B Boulder, and three other women from various disciplines at the agency, on how to be a maker, no matter what your background, and how to foster a maker culture in your world:
- Jennifer Bollman, VP/Director of Integrated Communication, CP+B
- Courtney Loveman, Chief Strategy Officer at Love Made Visible (CP+B’s Brand Invention Group)
- Jennifer Hruska, VP/Associate Director, Planning, CP+B
5:30 pm – 6:30 pm Cocktail Party
6:30 pm – 7:30 pm Danielle Whalen, EVP/GM, CP + B
Location: Taxi
3457 Ringsby Ct.
Denver, CO