New York
Demystifying self-care
(Illustration credit: Kim Weiner)
Join us for an interactive, solutions-oriented session that tackles self-care in practical terms.
The aim of this workshop event is to debunk some of the myths around this much-discussed concept and engage in exercises that help women implement self-care in their lives right away. Drawing from the science of Positive Psychology, this session will explore self-care in terms of giving ourselves time and space to practice all those things that don’t come naturally to us. Things such as gratitude, communicating our feelings and needs, and setting boundaries. Having the tools to practice self-care is vital to maintaining our emotional and social health and helps us feel more productive, confident, and empowered.

This session will be facilitated by Maria Hulitt. Maria is a Certified Applied Positive Psychology Practitioner, Professional Coach, Consultant, and a Certified Flourishing Skills Groups Facilitator. She is passionate about serving individuals and organizations interested in investing in their personal and professional growth. Maria began her career as a Marketing, Program and Publicity Assistant and has engaged in the business of economic and community development ever since. In addition to her coaching practice, she is the owner and CEO of Strategic Contracting, Inc. offering multi-tiered marketing and business development assistance to government agencies and private businesses. Throughout her career, Maria has played a transformative role in helping organizations generate powerful growth and opportunities. She holds a Bachelors Degree in Economics Management and Psychology from Ohio Wesleyan University.
6.30 PM – arrive and nibbles
7 to 7.50 PM – interactive workshop
7.50 to 8PM – key takeaways/Q&A
Get your tickets through eventbrite. SheSays is charging a nominal fee for this event to avoid no-shows and to fund future events. Tickets are limited.
And many thanks to our hosts, Wunderman Thompson, for providing us with such a lovely space for our interactive workshop!